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Carole Kirsopp

Carole was born and grew up in Derbyshire and lived in the village of Swanwick. She walked its hills and valleys and has an abiding love of its multi faceted landscape. She has been working in the arts for many years and is now working primarily in stone. She loves the tactile nature of the material and likes visitors to her exhibitions to be able to touch and feel as well as see these qualities in the work that she produces.

Her personal preference is for limestones but she has done a number of commissions in Derbyshire sandstones too. The largest of these is sited in the grounds of Crowhurst Christian Conference and Healing Centre near Battle, East Sussex. Her work has sold both at home and abroad and ranges from 9ins to 9ft in height. Many are in private collections. She has also worked on the BBC2 programme called, "Building the Impossible" as a stonemason.

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Course Details


Carole is not running a course with us this year.

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